West Coker Parish Council Meeting Dates.
All meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month (There is now no meeting in AUGUST – we used to miss out January but have changed it)
All meetings are currently held in Dawe’s Twineworks visitor centre starting at 7:30pm.
Meetings start with a Public Session.
Anyone can attend and listen to the whole meeting.
Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual governance and accountability return for the year ended 31st March 2024. See HERE
Your Parish Councillors
(see below for District and County Councillors).
Phone numbers are 01935 unless shown otherwise
Chairman: Ms Anita Perry 07968 506607 anitamperry@hotmail.com
Vice Chair: Mr David Neal 862402 davidneal60@btinternet.com
Mr Ross Aitken 862938 rnaitken@hotmail.com
Mr Bryn Andrews 862115 bryn.andrews@gmail.com
Mr Chris Barker 862615 cvekbarker@aol.com
Mrs Anne Blight 863689 anneblight@outlook.com
Mr Aaron Chubb 07748 219302 Aaron.Chubb6@yahoo.co.uk
Mrs Charlie Guthrie 07486 428279 cguthrie.pc@gmail.com
Mrs Barbara Hampshire 864574 barbsmack@me.com
Mr Angus McPhee 863176 angus25@btopenworld.com
Clerk: Ms Kate Fullerton 07712 398985 westcokerpc@hotmail.co.uk
25 Helena Road, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 2HQ
Tree Warden: Ms Anne Blight 863689 anneblight@outlook.com
Footpath Warden: Mr Aaron Chubb 07748 219302 Aaron.Chubb6@yahoo.co.uk
Environment Warden Mr Bryn Andrews 862115 bryn.andrews@gmail.com
Flood Management warden Mrs Charlie Guthrie
07486 428279 cguthrie.pc@gmail.com
Recreation Ground Caretaker: Paul Sandford 862094
Somerset Unitary Councillors, Coker Ward:
Mr Oliver Patrick See:
oliver.patrick@somerset.gov.uk https://www.facebook.com/groups/112361031736/user/100063999426891
Mr Mike Hewitson See: